
Vitals (FREE)

by Vitals Software

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What is Vitals ?

In 1999, Vitals Software released the first web-based software solution specifically designed for the Assisted Living market. Today, we are the fastest growing company in our space with integrated solutions ranging from Marketing & Census to Resident Care & Billing. Our success is largely based on our ability to deliver simple designs that achieve highly effective results. Our clients consistently see gains in occupancy, compliance, profitability and employee satisfaction.

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About Vitals

Vitals is owned by Vitals Software . Head Quartered in United States. Vitals Software was founded in the ---- Vitals product is In 1999, Vitals Software released the first web-based software solution specifically designed for the Assisted Living market. Today, we are the fastest growing company in our space with integrated solutions ranging from Marketing & Census to Resident Care & Billing. Our success is largely based on our ability to deliver simple designs that achieve highly effective results. Our clients consistently see gains in occupancy, compliance, profitability and employee satisfaction. . Some notable features that are mentioned by Vitals Software, are Medication Tracking Marketing / Lead Management Incident Management Event / Activities Planning Care Planning Billing & Invoicing Admissions Management . On ClickFQ, Vitals is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of Vitals are .