Talentnow RecruitX

Talentnow RecruitX (FREE)

by Talentnow Solutions

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What is Talentnow RecruitX ?

RecruitX is an Ai driven ATS product from Talentnow which is built exclusively for recruitment agencies and staffing companies. RecruitX builds up on the experience and expertise we have gained by working with 1000+ companies in the past decade for fulfilling all their recruitment technology requirements. Dramatically increase your candidate pool and client submissions with one of the world's most automated and intelligent Applicant Sourcing and Tracking Systems.

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About Talentnow RecruitX

Talentnow RecruitX is owned by Talentnow Solutions . Head Quartered in India. Talentnow Solutions was founded in the ---- Talentnow RecruitX product is RecruitX is an Ai driven ATS product from Talentnow which is built exclusively for recruitment agencies and staffing companies. RecruitX builds up on the experience and expertise we have gained by working with 1000+ companies in the past decade for fulfilling all their recruitment technology requirements. Dramatically increase your candidate pool and client submissions with one of the world's most automated and intelligent Applicant Sourcing and Tracking Systems. . Some notable features that are mentioned by Talentnow Solutions, are Temporary Staffing Candidate Management Billing & Invoicing Job Requisition Interview Management Interaction Tracking CRM Background Screening Workflow Management Self Service Portal Resume Search Resume Parsing Recruiting Firms Onboarding Job Posting Interview Scheduling Internal HR Candidate Tracking Background Screening . On ClickFQ, Talentnow RecruitX is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of Talentnow RecruitX are .