Ringstor Enterprise Data Backup & Recovery

Ringstor Enterprise Data Backup & Recovery (FREE)

by Ringstor

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What is Ringstor Enterprise Data Backup & Recovery ?

Ringstor is an East Brunswick, NJ based developer of data backup and recovery software. Ringstor combines traditional data backup and recovery solution capabilities with "software-defined data storage backup and recovery" attributes and with minimal agents can backup and recover Windows, Linux, Mac, SQL, Exchange, Google, Oracle, VM Ware and connects to public cloud and FTP, plus spins up a private cloud for central management.

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About Ringstor Enterprise Data Backup & Recovery

Ringstor Enterprise Data Backup & Recovery is owned by Ringstor . Head Quartered in United States. Ringstor was founded in the ---- Ringstor Enterprise Data Backup & Recovery product is Ringstor is an East Brunswick, NJ based developer of data backup and recovery software. Ringstor combines traditional data backup and recovery solution capabilities with "software-defined data storage backup and recovery" attributes and with minimal agents can backup and recover Windows, Linux, Mac, SQL, Exchange, Google, Oracle, VM Ware and connects to public cloud and FTP, plus spins up a private cloud for central management. . Some notable features that are mentioned by Ringstor, are Web Access / Restoration Secure Data Storage Remote Server Options Multiple System Support Incremental Backup Encryption Continuous Backup Compression Backup Scheduling Backup Log . On ClickFQ, Ringstor Enterprise Data Backup & Recovery is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of Ringstor Enterprise Data Backup & Recovery are .