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What is PROS Smart CPQ ?

Data-driven Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) to maximize revenue and margin performance. The solutions data science-driven guidance provides recommendations for the right offer at the right price based on customer segmentation, buying patterns and willingness to pay. In addition, advanced guided selling allows you to intelligently cross-sell and upsell.

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About PROS Smart CPQ

PROS Smart CPQ is owned by PROS . Head Quartered in United States. PROS was founded in the ---- PROS Smart CPQ product is Data-driven Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) to maximize revenue and margin performance. The solutions data science-driven guidance provides recommendations for the right offer at the right price based on customer segmentation, buying patterns and willingness to pay. In addition, advanced guided selling allows you to intelligently cross-sell and upsell. . Some notable features that are mentioned by PROS, are Pricing Management Discount Management Customizable Branding Catalog Management Automated Quoting eCommerce Self Service Portal Renewal Management Quotes Product Configurator Pricing and Cost Calculations Guided Selling Approval Workflow 2D Drawing Templates Multi-Channel Marketing Kitting Inventory Management Data Security CRM . On ClickFQ, PROS Smart CPQ is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of PROS Smart CPQ are .