by MX Technologies

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What is MX ?

Insight by MX parses through the millions of data points financial institutions are collecting and distills them down into easy-to-read dashboards. It features over 100 unique reports that help show how customers are engaging with products and offerings, and provides data on how customers are interacting with competitors.

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About MX

MX is owned by MX Technologies . Head Quartered in United States. MX Technologies was founded in the ---- MX product is Insight by MX parses through the millions of data points financial institutions are collecting and distills them down into easy-to-read dashboards. It features over 100 unique reports that help show how customers are engaging with products and offerings, and provides data on how customers are interacting with competitors. . Some notable features that are mentioned by MX Technologies, are Recommendation Engine Contextual Targeting Content Analytics Campaign Segmentation Behavioral Targeting Customer Segmentation Campaign Management Behavioral Analytics . On ClickFQ, MX is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of MX are .