
Botsai (FREE)

by Ascendum

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What is Botsai ?

Start building smarter conversations with Botsai! Botsai is an innovative AI-powered chatbot development platform that is easy to use and implement without any technical know-how or coding. Botsai uses Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to interpret questions and responds in kind. Our branching dialogues make it easy to create intelligent interactions. With lightning-fast training, each conversation teaches your bots to respond to the various ways customers are seeking information.

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About Botsai

Botsai is owned by Ascendum . Head Quartered in United States. Ascendum was founded in the ---- Botsai product is Start building smarter conversations with Botsai! Botsai is an innovative AI-powered chatbot development platform that is easy to use and implement without any technical know-how or coding. Botsai uses Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to interpret questions and responds in kind. Our branching dialogues make it easy to create intelligent interactions. With lightning-fast training, each conversation teaches your bots to respond to the various ways customers are seeking information. . Some notable features that are mentioned by Ascendum, are Virtual Assistant Speech Synthesis Speech Recognition Sentiment Analysis Reusable Components Pre-configured Bot On-Screen Chats Omni-Channel Intent Recognition For Developers Contextual Guidance Code-free Development . On ClickFQ, Botsai is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of Botsai are .