AdApps HMS


by Adroit Technologies

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What is AdApps HMS ?

MediSteer - Our proprietary web based state-of-the-art product covering all aspects of operations and management of small, medium and large scale hospitals. The product has been built on AdApps platform thereby giving us flexibility to customise the product as per customer needs. MediSteer helps in improving operational effectiveness and customer care resulting in reduced costs and medical errors.

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About AdApps HMS

AdApps HMS is owned by Adroit Technologies . Head Quartered in India. Adroit Technologies was founded in the ---- AdApps HMS product is MediSteer - Our proprietary web based state-of-the-art product covering all aspects of operations and management of small, medium and large scale hospitals. The product has been built on AdApps platform thereby giving us flexibility to customise the product as per customer needs. MediSteer helps in improving operational effectiveness and customer care resulting in reduced costs and medical errors. . Some notable features that are mentioned by Adroit Technologies, are Policy Management Physician Management Patient Records Management Out-Patient Management Medical Billing Inventory Management In-Patient Management Claims Management Bed Management Appointment Scheduling Accounting Integration . On ClickFQ, AdApps HMS is rated with ClickFQ Score of 0.0 . To know more about ClickFQ Score click here . Top cometitors of AdApps HMS are .